Emily Manternach
Self Actualist: life coach, yoga guide, ayurveda counselor
A Bit About Me
Welcome to the work of the soul! Emily Manternach became certified to teach yoga in 2017 and now teaches restorative, yin, mobility, weights, Pilates, barre, prenatal, children's, somatic, and vinyasa. She helps individuals with overall wellness through Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga and coaching for all aspects of life to find more peace internally to create more peace externally. She has the brain of an engineer to problem solve and the heart of a yogi for bringing peace to the world and helping others self-actualize and transcend. An active and full-hearted individual, Emily lives life fully and brings peace to the world.
Training and Experience
Yoga and Meditation teacher
Life Coach
Guide students in a yoga class together or individually to learn and grow internally and externally. Emily became certified to teach yoga in 2017 and has continued with restorative yoga, mobility yoga, yin yoga, prenatal yoga, aqua yoga, her 300-hour yoga training as well. She is a RPYT and 500 RYT. She also teaches bungee classes and mobility classes.
As a life coach since 2015, Emily has supported individual's dreams and helping them to live a life they love. This includes support for work towards goals and dreams. As a certified Dream Builder Coach, Life Mastery Consultant and inspirational speaker, Emily uses her skills from all areas of life to support clients through life. This includes knowledge as an engineer, yoga guide, ayurveda counsellor, biohacker, longevity striver and business owner.
Ayurveda Counselor
Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. As such it helps in prevention and wellness for the long term. Emily became certified in wellness counseling through ayurveda in 2022.